Our Story

Two Pastors.
1 Mission.
1 Great Love for Coffee.

Why did you guys want to start a coffee business?

[Jared] : “Jonathan and I have been friends for over a decade now. Jonathan worked at Renewal Church for a while where I pastor before we sent him out to plant King’s Hill Church. We love Boston, we love New England church planting, and we both want to be in the city for the long haul. So I think the idea started with 'What can we do to take some of the burden off the church to keep us here and how can we be a support to other pastors in the city?' And the answer was our love for coffee. We've both seen people come to faith over a conversation and a cup of excellent coffee. And the business allows us to bless other church planters in the region, which has always been part of our DNA from the start. At the end of the day our love for coffee, for pastors, and for conversations with those far from God has come together in a really cool way with Floating Axe.”

What’s behind the name Floating Axe? 

[Jonathan] : “The name is inspired from what others might consider a throwaway story in 2 Kings.  The disciples of Elisha are cutting down logs to make for themselves a place to live but one of the disciples loses an axe head as he’s working. Elisha throws a piece of wood into the water and the iron head floats. The disciple recovers it and assumedly gets back to work. It’s only a few verses but we love that story for two reasons: 

1) We believe that God sees the little things. Yes, God knows the stars by name and kings rise and fall at his word, but he also cares about this little axe head this disciple loses. There is lots of debate as to what exactly this story means but one thing is for sure, namely, that God cares about the perceived trivial things. They don’t go unnoticed. 2) We believe that if we’re faithful to work, he’ll be faithful to provide. Elisha’s disciples have a need, a place to live. And as they work and do their part, God works on their behalf to meet that need. These two truths are good reminders for us in our church planting journeys."

How did you come up with the blends?

[Jared] : “We’re thankful that we get to work with a refined, great-tasting, well-respected coffee roaster. They’ve been awesome at coming alongside us to create a product we can be proud of. In terms of the blend names, that was probably the easiest part. Boston is rich with landmarks and history. We wanted to tap into that, creating names that helped bring to mind experiences and memories people have of the city.”